Get Paid To Download And Rate Apps
AppRedeem is a website for iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android that pays you to rate apps on their site. They also have 2 Apps: Apptrailers that pays you to watch ads
about apps and OfferRewards that pays you to do offers. I signed up to this website between Christmas and New Year’s. So far as of June 18th, I have been paid 7 times, directly to my PayPal, for a total of $27.73 from watching videos, doing offers, reviewing apps, and playing games.
Although I recommend using this app for watching videos and downloading free apps, I purchased a paid app and did not receive credit for reviewing it. I had the exact same problem with Apperang just before they discontinued their service. I contacted support about it twice in the last 2 weeks and have not gotten a reply yet. I will do an update if I hear back from them.
AppRedeem/AppTrailers Is Recommended
Update March 28th, 2013 – I have been paid 23 times for a lifetime total of $225.42 in PayPal cash from AppRedeem.
Update October 18th, 2012 – I finally got a reply to a support request from Appredeem. When I cashed out on October 17th i was paid for the same transaction twice. Since I do not take things that are not mine I emailed support to let them know about the mistake and I asked how I can return the extra $10.83. They replied within a day to tell me that they were aware of the problem but I should just keep the money. I was pleasantly surprised to hear back from them and I think the fact that they did not want to be reimbursed for this mistake says a great deal about the company.
How Appredeem, OfferRewards, And Apptrailers Work
How Much Can You Make
Paypal Cash
With Appredeem, OfferRewards, and Apptrailers you are paid points, 1000 points equals $1.00 either in PayPal cash or gift cards. 10 points is equal to .01 which makes 1000 points a dollar.
Gift Cards
The minimum payout for PayPal is 150 points or 15 cents. There are a range of gift cards available including Amazon Gift Cards, iTunes Gift cards, Best Buy Gift Cards, Wii Gift Cards, and Target Gift cards with various minimums.
How You Earn Points
All you need to do is download free or paid apps to get paid anywhere from 90 to 2000+ points each in AppRedeem. With AppTrailers you watch videos that are about 30 seconds to a minute+ to get between 5 and 10 points, I have seen them pay as much as 33 points. OfferRewards features a large amount of offers that pay various amounts up to 3,500+ points.
Scratchers and Offers
There is a free scratch ticket every day that pays you 10-21 points if you win. You also have the option of purchasing scratchers using points that have different jackpots. They just added offers to fill out, in AppRedeem and AppTrailers, that pay up to 20,000 points including signups and surveys, but some of them do require a purchase.
Is There A Referral Program?
There is a decent referral program that currently earns the referrer 250 points and the referral bonus points when they sign up. There doesn’t seem to be a defined amount for the referral and there are sometimes extra bonus points for the referrer. Please use my bonus code sodaguy when you sign up for extra points. Also I noticed that when I signed up, I had to find the place to put in the bonus code because it was not obvious. I signed through the AppTrailers app first, then when I downloaded the OfferRewards app, I got extra points for it.
Update December 20th, 2012 – I received a message today from Appredeem saying that they have discontinued the referral program. I believe this is due to widespread abuse of the system by people posting their referral codes where they don’t belong. The amount of spam from people abusing this program was ridiculous. It was ending up all over the place including various websites, The App Store, YouTube comments, and news comments. Most of the time these spammers were lying about the income potential to trick people into using their referral codes. This is unfortunate but it is really the only way to eliminate this problem.
These are the free download links to Appredeem and Apptrailers for Android in the Google Play Store.
Here are the links download AppTrailers and OfferRewards in the Apple app store for free:
AppTrailers App
OfferRewards App
Offer Rewards – AppRedeem, Inc.
Warning: do not ever post your AppRedeem/ AppTrailers/ OfferRewards referral code in the app store or you will get banned and forfeit any unpaid earnings.
Cashing Out Your Earnings
As soon as you receive enough points to cash out you are paid instantly by Paypal. I have not tried any other payment methods yet so I don’t know if there is any delay. Cash is always better anyway.
Helpful Tips
- Remember, you are paid for reviews on their site not for the download or a review on the app store.
- I recommend against purchasing any apps for points unless you really want them because sometimes you will not get credit for them.
- Check the videos section often for Gold videos, they usually pay 10-33 points instead of 5 points.
- Wait for the free apps to be worth more than 90 points because they do have deals where you can get 1000 points or more for the same apps.
- Don’t ever post your referral code in the App Store or you will be banned.
Appredeem is Awesome!!!
Yes, Appredeem is an excellent earning opportunity!
Although I recommend using this app for watching videos and downloading free apps, I purchased a paid app and did not receive credit for reviewing it.
That can be an issue sometimes with sites that pay you to download apps. I have had the same problem with Appredeem.
Excellent.. The sign up form is extremely easy and the point payout is liberal. I’ve been combining my efforts into JunoWallet for quite some time and only managed $10.. I’ve had this for an hour and already made plenty of points!
Thanks for using my code Kaoruko. 🙂 JunoWallet and Appredeem are both good opportunities. I agree that Appredeem does seem to pay faster. I think the main strengths of JunoWallet are the referral program and the fact that it works outside of the US.
I also noticed that on Apptrailers you can gain a few more points by replaying the video! 🙂
It says I have to link my bank account to my PayPal before I can get money transfered to my account. But I already have my account linked to my PayPal, and I thought I was able to just accept it through email. Any ideas on how to verify it?
I have not run into this problem before. Are you sure that you are using the same email for PayPal and your AppRedeem accounts? I would make sure everything is working correctly with PayPal then try again. If it still doesn’t work it would be time to contact AppRedeem support. Please update us on how that works out for you.
I was saving up my point and got to 600,000 when I decided to cash them in; however, as soon as I did that my account was suspended. I’ve tried contacting support many times to no avail. Lesson learned: cash in often and as soon as eligible instead of accumulating.
With ANY program it is very wise to avoid accumulating too much of a balance before cashing out. Nobody knows if a company will even be around in the future. It is also really easy for anyone to say that you violated the TOS and not pay you.
Recently could not redeem points through PayPal even though my account has been verified. It keeps on saying account not verified
I remember having the same problem with my first or second cash out. The app will prompt you to verify your mail address with them before cashing out.
amazon and paypal are no longer available
use only if you are interested in the other gifts which are available
Hi Osana,
They announced that both will be back very soon. It’s not uncommon for any of these apps to temporarily run out of certain gift cards.
So appredeem is totally safe for apptrailers company? Because I downloaded it and found that my accounts were all combined into one. I just got a little self-concious if it was like a “cheating” or “hack” to apptrailers making me fear of my account. Anyways, do you know anything more about the appredeem ‘app’? I find it very odd why they wouldnt have all 3 of these programs in one.
Hi Taya,
I’m not sure why it is all split up, it doesn’t make much sense to me either, but it could be a marketing strategy. I do know that they are meant for you to use them all with the same account, it is not cheating or hacking. like most apps I would advise not going over a $10.00 balance before cashing out and make sure to follow the TOS.
It keeps saying PayPal not verified. I’m 100% sure that my PayPal is linked to my bank account. Please help! Thanks.
Currently a lot of people have not been receiving their prizes and I’m scared because I JUST got enough points for something I really wanted! Now I don’t know what to do -____-
In my experience so far, there has been no problems cashing out any earnings from AppRedeem. It’s a good idea with any program to cash out before you reach to large of an amount. Nobody can predict if a company will even be around in the future.
I know some people have reported difficulties but as long as you have followed the TOS it shouldn’t be a problem. If you don’t cash out you will never receive the reward in the first place. Please let me know if you have any problems.
I have a problem I have verified my paypal but still my app redeem says it’s not verified what should I do? :s
the app redeem has turned into scam now.. before the are paying to my paypal imidiately but from last two days I am able to cashout my points and they even deduct my point and convert them into paypal money but I am not recieving the money in my paypal…WTF!!, is that…. admin tell me what to do…?
I would try to contact support.
DO you also facing the same problem stan..???
No, I cashed out with no trouble yesterday.
then what is problem with me…??
I don’t know.
i tried … and cashed out 4 dollar.. but now there is no offers for more than a weeek … the same problem with you ??
I’m over $4.00 but I have not cashed out yet. This is a very new service so it might take a little while for it to pick up. There was a new app yesterday, are you VIP?
VIP means what??
no i am not a VIP member but want to be… plz tell me gow can i become vip member..?
STAN, now i had come to know why i am unable to recieve the payments… they have suspended my account without any notice or any warning…. today when i go to cashout
a message comes up that my account is suspended… this is rediculous…
Thanks for the update. Have you tried to contact support?
Hi again Stan. Sorry for the late response. But I ended up cashing out my points and got my reward! Also, I noticed they actually respond to their emails now. I’m so happy and this will definitely remain one of my favorite apps for making $! I just decided to post this to let other people know who are having difficulties, and also to notify you so it doesn’t move below the recommended list or something. 🙂
Hi Debby,
Thanks for sharing the good news! I don’t move any programs without a good reason and there is no reason to move AppRedeem at this time. I am working on a post to address the problem that I believe is happening with some users.
Hey Stan. When im using AppRedeem sometimes it pops up with an offer saying that if I rate a certain app I will get some points.
So I rate it and leave a comment in the feedback box, it then says I have recieved xxx amount of points but they dont appear in my point balance.
Anybody know what to do?
Hi Darnell,
When you download an app from AppRedeem you are usually credited your points within several minutes of opening the app. You still need to rate the app. If you would like to leave constructive feedback for the developer that is very helpful for them. For some reason they give you the points upfront but they won’t let you download anymore apps until you have rated the app you already got credit for.
Hey stan I got a email from that they like my reviews and I am now a VIP member…and they are not able to reply soon as my email goes to their spam folder…but now I am a vip member…
You should write a review on “free money factory” availble for android users…it is very ligid app I cashedout a total of 30$ from it.
Thanks for sharing the good news! That is valuable information to anyone who doesn’t hear back from AndroidOpinion right away.
I appreciate the heads up about free money factory. I will put it on the list.
Hey man, trying to redeem 14k points for 14 us Dollars and it’s saying my paypal isn’t verified, but it is..? i’ve added my bank to it earlier, anyhelp?
Hi Tyler,
If you are sure you have not violated the TOS there is a new ticket system at that you can contact them at from your computer. I have not received any replies from them when I have contacted them in the past but I have not used the ticket system before.
Little update, after fussing around with it and waiting, i finally got a email from support explaining they realized my paypal was in fact verified and it would be fine within 48 hours, well low and behold 15 minutes later i got a email from them saying It should work, and i should be able to redeem my points, so i went to go check it out and so far so good, made three payouts 1 dollar each, if i may make a recommendation it might be to always pay out at the dollar range just in case :). Also before hand i redeemed 10k points for a Xbox live Microsoft point card, and that worked just fine, so it’s good to know this is actually legit and it works fine.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I’m very happy to hear that you got a positive response from support and you got your rewards. I usually recommend cashing out around the $10 point but maybe less would be better for some people.
I love the app, I earned a $10 iTunes gift card which worked, then I earned a $25 target gift card and I tried buying with it, but it wouldn’t work….
Hi Anne,
I have not heard of this type of issue before. Have you tried to contact support?
My account has been suspended how do I get it back on can any 1 plz help me
Hi Grant,
If you didn’t do anything in violation of the TOS it would be a good idea to contact support and explain the situation.
same thing happened to me 4 months ago. I contacted them and they said my account was just under review and will be back “soon”, so I continued to earn points with their app even though I couldn’t use them. Two weeks later I contacted them again and they didn’t reply. I started sending them a support ticket every 3 days and no reply whatsoever. I think the app bans anyone who uses it so often because I am definitely sure I did not post my code anywhere in the internet or do anything to violate their TOS. I would call them if they provided a number on their website but they don’t. I have over 20$ worth of points.
Hi there, thanks for the helpful site. When downloading App Trailers for android, it requires me to login via Facebook. Does it post or show up on Facebook in any way? I am happy to use the app and even tip via the app, but I do not want any evidence showing up on my Facebook account which is mostly for professional purposes. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks!
I have not had that problem but I did not have to login via Facebook when I set it up. I think that you can set anything to be hidden on Facebook through the Facebook settings. I do it all the time.